
Saturday, April 11, 2020


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Covid19: coronavirus could cause global food shortage

As the novel coronavirus pandemic shuts down businesses globally and sends countries into lockdown, the disruptions are threatening to cut off supply chains and increase food insecurity.
"Supermarket shelves remain stocked for now," the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations said in a report released late last month. "But a protracted pandemic crisis could quickly put a strain on the food supply chains, a complex web of interactions involving farmers, agricultural inputs, processing plants, shipping, retailers and more." The issue, however, is not food scarcity -- at least, not yet. Rather, it's the world's drastic measures in response to the virus.
Border closures, movement restrictions, and disruptions in the shipping and aviation industries have made it harder to continue food production and transport goods internationally -- placing countries with few alternative food sources at high risk. Airlines have grounded thousands of planes and ports have closed stranding containers of food, medicine, and other products on tarmacs and holding areas, Heightened instability in global food supply will affect the poorest citizens most. Even private companies and organizations have called for immediate action to address the looming food catastrophe.
"Governments, businesses, civil society and international agencies need to take urgent, coordinated action to prevent the COVID pandemic turning into a global food and humanitarian crisis".

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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Prevalence and risk factors of soil-transmitted helminths among school children living in endemic area

Soil Transmitted Helminths are parasitic worms that feed on human tissue, blood or nutrients. These include hook worm, whip worm, thread worm and round worm that are transmitted through soil that is contaminated with their eggs of these worms due to open defecation and areas where sanitation is poor. Those at risk of this infection include preschool and school age children, women of childbearing age and men in some profession like mining. According to statistic about 1.5 billion people are infected with soil transmitted helminths (STH). Among which over 267 million are pre-school age children and over 568 million school-age children live in area where these parasites are intensively transmitted..
  Ages affected:
0-2 Very rare
3-5 Rare
6-13 Common
14-18 Common
19-40 Rare
41-60 Very rare
60+ Extremely rare.
• To improve children’s health and prevention large scale morbidity in children living in endemic area.
• To enlighten the children the importance of regular washing of their hands after playing and before or after eating.
Mode of transmission
STH are transmitted by eggs that are passed in the feaces of infected people. Adult worms live in the intestine where they produce thousands of eggs each day. These can happen in several ways:
• Eggs that are attached to vegetables are ingested when vegetables are not properly cooked, washed or peeled.
• Eggs are ingested from contaminated water
• Eggs are ingested by children who play in the contaminated soil and then put their hands in their mouth without washing them.
• Hook worm eggs hatch in the soil releasing larvae that mature into a form that can penetrate the skin. People become infected with hookworm by walking barefoot on the soil.
Nutritional effects
• The worms feed on host tissues, including blood, which lead to a loss of iron and protein
• Hookworm cause chronic intestinal blood loss that can result in anemia
• They consume the nutrient and vitamins in the body which lead to malnutrition, low weight, loss of appetite which make children vulnerable to illnesses and damage of immune system
Symptoms of STH
• Intestinal manifestation (diarrhea and abdominal pain)
• Malnutrition
• General malaise
• Impaired growth and physical development
• Diarrhea
• Skin irritation
• Weakness and loss of appetite
• Clean the house often and use a good disinfectant
• People should ensure to always relieve themselves in the toilet and avoid open defecation
• Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with clean water before eating
• Always put on slippers or shoes avoid walking barefoot
• Cutting of fingernails regularly
• Children shouldn't play with sand or dirty water
• Children should play in a clean and dry environment
• Children should wash hands with soap and water before food and after using the toilet.
.The mebendazole and albendazole, are commonly used to remove these infections. 

Foods needed to fight Coronavirus and boost your immune system.

As coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted communities around the world, many people have wondered whether there are steps they can take to stay healthy. Everyday preventive measures such as hand washing, avoiding contact with sick individuals, and good hygiene can go a long way in reducing your risk for viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.
In addition, however, there is evidence that nutrition and other lifestyle measures influence immune strength and susceptibility to infectious diseases. Whether these measures do or do not influence susceptibility to COVID-19 or its clinical course is not yet known. However, there is every reason to put what we do know about foods and immune defences to use. Here is what we know now:
Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet may help give the immune system a boost. The immune system relies on white blood cells that produce antibodies to combat bacteria, viruses, and other invaders. Vegetarians have been shown to have more effective white blood cells when compared to nonvegetarians, due to a high intake of vitamins and low intake of fat.
Eating a low-fat diet may also be protective. Studies have shown that limiting dietary fat helps strengthen immune defences. Research also shows that oil may impair white blood cell function and that high-fat diets may alter the gut microbiota that aid in immunity.
Maintaining a healthy weight can also benefit the immune system. Obesity has been linked to increased risk for influenza and other infections such as pneumonia. Plant-based diets are effective for weight loss, because they are rich in fibre, which helps fill you up, without adding extra calories. Fiber can also lower BMI, which is linked to improved immunity. A plant-based diet has also been shown to reduce inflammatory biomarkers.
Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants
Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables provide nutrients—like beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E—that can boost immune function. Because many vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based foods are also rich in antioxidants, they help reduce oxidative stress.
Beta-Carotene: Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammation and boost immune function by increasing disease-fighting cells in the body. Excellent sources include sweet potatoes, carrots, and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamins C and E: Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that help to destroy free radicals and support the body’s natural immune response. Sources of vitamin C include red peppers, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, mangoes, lemons, and other fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E sources include nuts, seeds, spinach, and broccoli.
Vitamin D: Research shows vitamin D supplementation may reduce the risk for viral infections, including respiratory tract infections, by reducing production of proinflammatory compounds in the body. Increased vitamin D in the blood has been linked to prevention of other chronic diseases including tuberculosis, hepatitis, and cardiovascular disease. Food sources of vitamin D include fortified cereals and plant-based milks and supplements.
Zinc: Zinc is a mineral that can help boost white blood cells, which defend against invaders. Sources include nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, beans, and lentils.
Our bodies need sleep to rest and recharge. Without a sufficient amount of sleep, we increase our risk for developing serious health problems—like heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and obesity. Inadequate sleep has also been linked to suppressed immune function. One study found that those who sleep fewer than five hours per night are more likely to have recently suffered a recent cold compared with those who sleep more.
Need help falling asleep? Try adding healthful fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans to your diet. One study found that diets rich in fibre and low in saturated fat can lead to deeper, more restorative sleep. Learn more about how a plant-based diet can lead to better sleep.

Health is wealth

Health is wealth is a new blog that talks about how important we can take care of our body both physically and mentally. Here we tried to look at the different criterias we can infuse and maintain our body stimula in an anticipated state to enable our body system function properly. The full article will be publish soon. So guys watch for another mind blowing article from health is wealth editors.